Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Tracking Code Cave

Every community activities and must have certain rules, as well as community activities and cave crawler. And what about the Code of Conduct for searchers cave?

Each cave crawler realizes that cave environments are very sensitive and easily contaminated. Therefore cave crawler must:

Do not take anything except taking portraits (Take nothing but picture.)
Do not leave anything except footprints (Leave nothing but footprints)
Do not kill anything except time (Kill nothing but time)

Each penelusurkan harm that can not be redeemed.
All through the cave and examine it, carried by the crawler cave cave aware, that any natural formations in the cave was formed over a period of thousands of years. Every effort is damaging the cave, pick up / move something in the cave without purpose.

CLEAR and SCIENTIFIC SELECTIVE, full adengan RESPECT, without interrupting and drive bota lives in a cave.

Each cave crawler realizes that Speleology activities, both in terms of sports / scientific terms is not a business that needs his watch and did not need an audience. In the case of caves, the cave crawler must act appropriately. The cave crawler not despise their skills and abilities fellow searcher. Instead, one cave crawler violate ethical if forcing himself to take action - action beyond the limits of physical ability and technique, and mental readiness. Respect for fellow searchers cave, shown each crawler by means of:

Not using materials / equipment, which left another party without their permission.
No harm to other searchers, such as throwing into the cave, if anyone in the cave, decided / ordered to cut ties with another group that is being used.

Do not incite people around the cave to ban / stonewall - obstruct another party to enter the cave, because none cave in Indonesia owned by an individual, except when the cave was purchased in question.
Jaukan same job and not publish them in the mass media to conduct the same study, when there was a known group is doing / in the scientific media.

Do not rashly assume you're the creator of something, if you are not convinced that there are no others, have also been discovered earlier anyway, and do not report things that are not true for the sake of sensation and prinadi ambition, because it means lying to yourself and the world Speleology
Therefore, any attempt to publish a cave search results, should not be by way of personal achievement includes, without considering that any caves is a team activity.
In a publication, please menjelek - demonize even the name of a fellow searcher searcher doing negative things, criticism of fellow searchers will give a negative picture of all penelusur.etiap caves effort is a joint effort. Not achieved their own business.


1. Speleology world in various countries continue an appeal to all browsers, in order to keep it clean in the cave environment, sustainability and purity.
2. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION GUA, should be the ultimate goal and Speleology do well by each crawler cave.
3. CLEANING THE CAVE and the environment, being first duty crawler cave
4. When fellow cave crawler require emergency care, any other cave crawler must give aid, it is within their means.
5. Each cave crawler shall respect the people around the cave. Because ask for permission as necessary, if possible, in writing from the authorities. Do not make a scene / take action - action that violates ketentaraman / offensive persaan population.
6. When asked for permission from the competent official, it must be perceived as an obligation to make a report and submit it to the agency. Where have asked counsel to the crawler / another expert, the report shall also be submitted to the crawler / advisors that individual.
7. Part - the part that dangerous in a cave, shall diberitahuakn to the other searchers, if you know of other groups that trace the cave.
8. PROHIBITED ITEMS Flaunt - THINGS OFF / ON THAT FOUND IN CAVE, CAVES TO AMONG NON ​​crawler / NON EXPERT Speleology. This is to avoid strong encouragement, who will almost certainly arise, for picking objects - objects that, to private collections. If felt necessary then only display photo - picture only.
9. NOT RECOMMEND published the results - DISCOVERY IN THE CAVE, before any attempts are absolutely sure of protection from the authorities. The destruction of the cave by the layman is the responsibility of the author of the news, when they visited the cave - the cave as a result of the publication in the mass media.
10. In many countries, ANY DISASTER experienced searchers GUA REPORTED TO FELLOW TAXPAYERS searchers, through the existing MEDIA Speleology. This is necessary to prevent another catastrophe.
11. Being a cave crawler absolute obligation, to INFORM THE NEAREST FAMILY PARTNERS, TO THE LOCATION WHERE HE WILL GO HOME AND WHEN WILL. In places nearby cave site MUST INFORM PEOPLE, YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS WHEN will the searcher and is expected to finish the tour. Shall notify the WHO SHOULD CONTACT, IF crawler GUA not out at the appointed time.
12. The cave crawler ATTENTION MUST WEATHER CONDITIONS. Must examine whether there is the danger of flooding in the role in the cave, when heavy rains, and researching the location - the location where in the cave that can be used to save themselves from the flood.

13. In every disaster, every cave crawler shall act calmly, without panic, and shall comply with the INSTRUCTION LEADER crawler GUA / representatives.

14. Each crawler GUA COMPLETING MANDATORY BASIC GEAR WITH HIMSELF, on activities that are more difficult to use equipment that meets the requirements. He must have the knowledge and skills on the use of the equipment before through the cave.

15. Each cave crawler MUST TRAIN YOURSELF IN MOTION through the cave perbagai SKILLS AND SKILL USE EQUIPMENT - used.

16. Each cave crawler MUST READ VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CAVE, CAVES AND EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENT, TO KEEP GROWING knowledge. For those who are able to do penelititan and scientific observations, are required to write a publication for fellow searcher / Speleology other experts can benefit from the paper - the paper.

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